by Lark
Note: the use of the term "Web" in these pages
generally refers to the Web of Oz,
not to the World Wide
Web. |
A regular feature of Web of Oz seasonal rituals has always been a holiday heritage. The first one I recall seeing was posted in a park shelter before a Maypole dance. This predated the official founding of the Web of Oz by at least a year. The heritage originated as a way of communicating the significance and customs of the holidays, as well as some background on the God and Goddess being invoked, to those who were unfamiliar with Wiccan seasonal celebrations and deities. We usually give the heritage during check-in, before the actual ritual begins.
Because the Web works on a volunteer basis, heritages have covered a lot of territory. Some have been scholarly. Some have been performances. People have danced and sung the heritage and have read it directly from books. Web members often contribute their own information and experience to the prepared heritage.
I lean more toward the reading school of thought, and I tend to be long-winded. I began writing these heritages for Ant Dorcas, who was the High Priestess at Yule 1996, because she wanted something short. This series is my attempt at throwing in the kitchen sink, but making it quick.
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This file was modified 12/14/04 11:35:59 PM